Wednesday, March 3, 2010


One lesson we got to go outside and take pictures. We learned that a picture can get a good effect, and looks good with the backround out of focus and a subject that is in focus. I think that the picture I took with the bench is really good, because the bench is in focus, but the backround isn't. I also really like the picture with the rock, because it is in focus and the other little pebbles look really good like with the bench. I also think that it looks good because the view widens out starting from the rock and going to all the other pebbles in the back. The second picture didn't work how I wanted it to, because I think I forgot to focus on my subject. The first picture also didn't work well, because I was trying to get the twig into focus and not the rest, but I think that the twig was to small for the camera to focus on.

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